Farmer's market you say? How about a Mother's Market

Here's a great idea, Farmer's Markets! We support local farms, people, and food! We also set a great example for our youth. Working as a birthworkers we get to really know the families that we help. We also get a great insight into some of the amazing skills they have. Many of these families can’t share their products with others because the realities of life make it hard. Whether they have to return to work to pay the bills, or they don’t have enough money for the start-up costs to really launch something, or they don’t have a place to showcase, we wanted to help them out and Mother’s Market was born!
Since our non-profit, All Women Matter, also helps uninsured pregnant women in the community all proceeds will go towards this non-profit. Once a month we will have vendors who carry these credentials:
-handmade (not a family selling large corporate products, rather a skilled person who’s making something or doing something)
-local (our sellers will be people in your community, those you see at the store, or the bank, or dropping your kids off at school)
-like-minded products (not junk)
Similar to a Farmer’s Market (hence the name) Mother’s Market will support like-minded families or individuals who are looking to do what they love, harness their skill and desire, and showcase to the community.
Products can include, but not limited to:
Handmade cloth diapers
Handmade slings
Handmade soaps/candles/lotions/etc.
Homemade goods, cookies/cakes/catering/etc.
Therapeutic services for your own company (not chains)
And more……


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