
Showing posts from 2011

Benefits of Breastfeeding for our Society too!

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Wal-Mart recalls baby formula!

Wal-Mart recalls baby formula!

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Alternative Vaccine Schedule

Alternative Vaccine Schedule

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Women: the multi-taskers!

Women: the multi-taskers!

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Interesting article on Orgasmic Birth!

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: An amazing women

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Hospital in Wisconsin switches babies

Hospital in Wisconsin switches babies

An amazing women

Why choose a midwife?

Arsenic in our Juice! Please read!

Interesting article on Orgasmic Birth!

Happy Thanksgiving!

World Prematurity Day

Something we already knew

Beautiful article on why you should consider a homebirth

Fish Warning!!

Overdose at Hospital

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Welcome!
