
Showing posts from 2014

New Year, New Natural BirthWorks!

Pitocin and ADHD, is there a connection?

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Breech, to be or not to be?

P3's Pregnancy Community Blog: Breech, to be or not to be?

Breech, to be or not to be?

Against the Medicaid MMA Plans!

Vaginal birth of triplets

Natural Birth with a Homebirth Midwife

Farmer's market you say? How about a Mother's Market

October Newsletter at Natural BirthWorks!

Natural BirthWorks, a co-op of holistic providers

"Microbirth" Premiere!

Midwife101 online childbirth classes

Hypnobirth series begins

Breastfeeding vs. formula debate

Midwife101 Launches! Online Natural #Childbirth Classes for the masses.

Midwife 101 Online Childbirth Classes to prepare you for a natural birth

Natural Childbirth Class series begins!

Breastfeeding Awareness Week movie night!!

Birth, it happens, and it's really really cool.

Hypnobirthing classes at Natural BirthWorks (@naturalbirthwor)

Fears of a homebirth? Thinking you Need a hospital? Let's examine...

Big Latch On at Natural BirthWorks!!

Online Childbirth Classes by a Licensed Midwife, Lactation Consultant, and a Licensed Dietician/Nutritionist

Babywearing Classes at Natural BirthWorks

Gentle C/sections when a VBAC isn't possible

Bath? Why? That bacteria at birth is GOOD for the baby!

Cord around the neck

Yes I check out the bum!

Your words become your thoughts....

What's a fetoscope and why do midwives use them?