What's all the hype about babywearing? It's the best way to carry your baby! I truly could not have survived 5 kids without it.
The key to success with it is learning how to do it correctly. There are so many carriers, techniques, rights and wrongs, do's and don't that it can get confusing and not so fun. It's best to learn from a trained babywearer so that even when your child is 4 (and mine is almost 5) you can still carry them away!
Natural BirthWorks is a great birth center and natural minded center that truly brings back the lost art of care. Their babywearing workshop taught by Zenmamalove Martha Lerner is awesome! Here's the details for the next workshop:
Babywearing 101
March 19 10:am
contact to register
The key to success with it is learning how to do it correctly. There are so many carriers, techniques, rights and wrongs, do's and don't that it can get confusing and not so fun. It's best to learn from a trained babywearer so that even when your child is 4 (and mine is almost 5) you can still carry them away!
Natural BirthWorks is a great birth center and natural minded center that truly brings back the lost art of care. Their babywearing workshop taught by Zenmamalove Martha Lerner is awesome! Here's the details for the next workshop:
Babywearing 101
March 19 10:am
contact to register
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