Why a homebirth?

Why a homebirth? The real question is, Why a hospital birth? Let's further look into that. I think to start the journey one must know what birth is.

When I search for the definition of birth this is what comes up:
the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being
Powerful if you think about it. 'A baby or other young emerges from the body of its mother'. That sentence tells you; strength, transition. 'The start of life as a physically separate being'. That sentence tells you; independence, the beginning.

When I search for the definition of a hospital this is what comes up:
an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people.
Quite a different feeling, yes? Not so powerful, or independent, or strong.

If life as a separate being begins at birth then the care, support, and environment should be supportive of that.
The woman who's releasing the new being and the being who is starting life must be surrounded by a team of people who will honor the transition, protect it, and help it be successful for all affected by it. That being is the future and the safety of it being successful for the mind, body and spirit is essential for the protection of life.
I do feel both providers, Midwife and OB, play an essential role in this great outcome. The problem and reason one would even ask "Why a homebirth?" is because this role has been twisted, turned, and abused.

Words don't always describe why one would do something so I've gathered a few pictures that, when I view them, describe to me why one would "homebirth"


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