What's the deal with delayed cord clamping?
There seems to be this idea from providers who are not well versed on delayed cord clamping but tell their clients they are, that it's "done" after 5-30 seconds. This is absolutely absurd and shows lack of knowledge on true delayed cord clamping. Since many Homebirth Midwives are well versed on the benefits and length of time on true delayed cord clamping you'll likely see them forget to even cut the cord.
The best way to know is to WAIT! You can check the cord and see but also, what's the rush? Honor the golden hour, leave mom and baby alone, and don't cut the cord!
The best way to know is to WAIT! You can check the cord and see but also, what's the rush? Honor the golden hour, leave mom and baby alone, and don't cut the cord!
Thank you Paulina Splechta for capturing this footage and putting together this video on how truly wrong that 5-30 second rule is. We ourselves have had a cord pumping for almost 45 minutes!
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