A first-time mom's guide to a waterbirth
So you've chosen a waterbirth or maybe you just want to explore why it's getting the spotlight again? Let's dive into a few reasons why moms are choosing to do a waterbirth, how it helps with labor, and how it helps with baby's transition.
I'd like to start by saying I'm a Midwife and I have 5 children which covered the many, MANY, different types of births that you can think of. I've experienced birthing in a hospital with no laboring movement allowed, I also experienced a c/section, and on my last birth, I got to experience a homebirth with the freedom to move, the benefits of having the birth tub and a natural birth. I not only know through my career and school but from personal experience how beneficial the labor/birth tub can be.
Why is waterbirth getting the spotlight again? BECAUSE IT HELPS! If one is choosing to birth naturally then they need to be able to do all the natural things to get baby out. It's hard to tell someone, "yeah you can have a waterbirth and a natural birth. Lay here, don't move, don't eat and dilate 1-2cm every 2-4hrs, ok?" If we are going to honor the natural birthing process than we should honor it completely. This means understanding the natural physiological process of labor and providing an environment that supports that. Waterbirth has been around since birth because a woman can use the water to help elevate some of the intensity of birth, she can also use it to help relax her cervix and her mind. The water also allows her to loosen and move her body in ways that encourage the descent of the baby.
With the rebirth of Midwives and Homebirths, it's inevitable that the question of having the tub available will present. Since the topic is becoming popular it's one of the main reasons everyone is researching "what does the water do for birth". They want to know what helps, what works, and how can I get through labor naturally. I know a lot of my moms are so afraid of tearing during the birth process and this is their reason for exploring waterbirth more. I completely understand this reason and it's a good reason to choose waterbirth on top of helping with the intensity of labor/birth. I always tell the story of my trip to North Carolina in the winter (I'm a Florida girl now) and how I forgot my chapstick. I went to call for my children who were playing in the snow and as soon as I opened my mouth, my lip split. I realized that I needed to apply my chapstick and so the next day I did. That afternoon I went outside to call for them again and nothing! Waterbirth and vaginal stretching are 2 great ways to "prep" the perineum for the stretching of birth. We could also go into detail about not forcing someone to push until they're ready to prevent tears but for a different blog ;)
The final area I like to touch on when discussing the benefits of waterbirth is the benefits for baby. Your little bun is floating in water, a nice warm cozy wombful of water. When preparing for the transition to life it's a "smooth" transition for them to go from water to water. It allows the body to do the squeeze, change of hormones, and then slowly prepare to take it's first breath.
In the end, you have to research and explore your birth vision and see if it's right for you. Understanding the benefits of a waterbirth can help you formulate the birth you want and the more you know.....the better.
I'd like to start by saying I'm a Midwife and I have 5 children which covered the many, MANY, different types of births that you can think of. I've experienced birthing in a hospital with no laboring movement allowed, I also experienced a c/section, and on my last birth, I got to experience a homebirth with the freedom to move, the benefits of having the birth tub and a natural birth. I not only know through my career and school but from personal experience how beneficial the labor/birth tub can be.
Why is waterbirth getting the spotlight again? BECAUSE IT HELPS! If one is choosing to birth naturally then they need to be able to do all the natural things to get baby out. It's hard to tell someone, "yeah you can have a waterbirth and a natural birth. Lay here, don't move, don't eat and dilate 1-2cm every 2-4hrs, ok?" If we are going to honor the natural birthing process than we should honor it completely. This means understanding the natural physiological process of labor and providing an environment that supports that. Waterbirth has been around since birth because a woman can use the water to help elevate some of the intensity of birth, she can also use it to help relax her cervix and her mind. The water also allows her to loosen and move her body in ways that encourage the descent of the baby.
In the end, you have to research and explore your birth vision and see if it's right for you. Understanding the benefits of a waterbirth can help you formulate the birth you want and the more you know.....the better.
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